Direction and Choreography: Faye Stoeser & Hannah Ekholm (Ekleido)
Performed by: Faye Stoeser & Hannah Ekholm
Original Score composed by: Floating Points
Costume Design: George H Wale
Costumes made by: George H Wale & Octavia Austin
Lighting Design: Joshie Harriette
Rehearsal Director: Oliver Chapman
Run Time: 15 mins

Splice is an exploration of connection and architecture between two bodies as they configure themselves between restriction and possibility, solving a physical puzzle.

Splice premiered at Stanley Arts as part of COMMONS Festival, May 2023.

Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

Additional Support by:
Lab13, DanceEast, The Place, Stanley Arts, Richard Chappell Dance CIC, Create Destroy Studios.

If you are interested in programming Splice contact Faye Stoeser:


“a fascinating piece” Teresa Guerreiro - Culture Whisper

“mesmerising to watch” Scott Matthewman, The Reviews Hub

“strange, contortionist twists of the symbiotic relationship” - Donald Hutera - The Times

“interlocking bodies demonstrated their incredible dexterity” Apex Zero - I Am Hip Hop Magazine

“this magic show. I want to see how it was done. Do it again!” - Sean Moss

“Moving like synchronised swimmer one moment and like contortionists the next, slickly intertwining with one another” Rosalyn Springer - Afridiziak Theatre News

“Splice has a commercially cool vibe; a complex puzzle of choreography executed with seamless fluidity” - Rachel Elderkin

Image Credits:
Poster shots: Jack Thompson; Studio shots: Sophie Giddens; Production shots: Paul Hampartsoumian, Stephanie McMahon